Our oral surgeon and team will provide you with instructions after removing your tooth or teeth. To recover from your tooth extraction in Brooklyn, New York, as easily as possible, please follow these instructions. If you have questions, or to schedule a follow-up visit with Dr. Chun Pae Cho, contact our team at 718-745-6555.

Following your tooth extraction, we recommend that you:

  • Do not rinse your mouth or spit for 24 hours.
  • Do not touch the surgical site with your fingers or tongue.
  • Use ice packs as needed for the first 48 hours (20 minutes on and 10 minutes off).
  • Use all prescribed medications as directed and mild pain relievers to manage discomfort as needed.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated, but do not suck on straws.
  • Limit vigorous exercise for three to four days.
  • Use warm, moist heat on the outside of your face for any stiff muscles.
  • Gently rinse using a warm saltwater rinse every four hours and following meals (½ teaspoon of salt in an 8-ounce glass of water).
  • Restrict your diet to liquids and soft foods. Gradually resume a normal diet as you heal. Avoid foods that could become stuck in your teeth.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment with our oral surgeon, please contact our team today.

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