Missing teeth can cause your jawbone to deteriorate, leading to a loss of ability when chewing and speaking. There are many reasons why you may lose supporting bone, and when you visit our office, Dr. Chun Pae Cho will examine your teeth and mouth to determine the cause for your case and which type of bone grafting procedure is most appropriate for your needs. To schedule an appointment with our experienced oral surgeon and learn more about jawbone loss and deterioration in Brooklyn, New York, contact our office at 718-745-6555.

Common causes for jawbone loss and deterioration include:

  • Tooth Extraction or Loss — If an adult tooth is extracted or lost and not replaced, it will eventually lead to a loss of supporting jawbone. This bone loss occurs due to the fact that natural teeth stimulate your supporting bone through the regular actions of chewing and biting. The rate of deterioration and the amount of supporting bone lost vary greatly from person to person.
  • Periodontal Disease — Also known as gum disease, this dental condition is an infection of the gum tissue that gradually progresses to destroy your supporting bone and soft oral tissues. Your general dentist should check for signs of gum disease during your regular visits, and if you are diagnosed with this condition, you should receive treatment immediately to prevent the disease from progressing further.
  • Dentures and Dental Bridges — Unanchored dentures are placed atop the gums but do not provide any direct stimulation to your supporting bone. Over time, this lack of stimulation will lead to the bone deteriorating. While bridges are anchored to natural teeth on either side of the bridge, the prosthetic teeth that span the gap do not provide stimulation to the bone in that area, and bone loss in that specific place may occur. Both dentures and bridges can be anchored by dental implants, which perform the same function as natural teeth to stimulate your supporting bone and provide you with better long-term results for your oral health.
  • Facial Trauma — Facial trauma may sometimes involve a partially or fully knocked-out tooth. As with regular tooth loss, the missing tooth or teeth lead to a lack of stimulation in the supporting bone.
  • Misalignment — Tooth misalignment can create situations where teeth are no longer properly aligned or functioning optimally, leading to a loss of jawbone health.
  • Osteomyelitis — This condition is a type of bacterial infection in the bone and bone marrow of the jaw. This infection may lead to the reduction of blood supply to the bone and the eventual loss of bone health. Treatment for this condition usually involves both antibiotics and the removal of the infected bone, after which a bone grafting procedure may be provided to help restore bone function and strength.
  • Tumors — Facial tumors may grow large and require the removal of a portion of the jaw. Malignant tumors almost always spread into the jaw and require the removal of the affected sections of the jaw. A reconstructive bone grafting treatment is usually needed to help restore normal jaw function.
  • Developmental Deformities — Some developmental conditions are characterized by missing portions of the teeth, facial bones, jaw or skull. Our oral surgeon may recommend a bone graft or other procedure to help treat these cases.
  • Sinus Deficiencies — The sinuses may become enlarged when molars are removed from the upper jaw. This condition usually develops over several years and can be corrected using a bone grafting procedure known as a sinus lift.

For more information about jawbone loss and deterioration and to schedule a consultation with our oral surgeon, please contact our team today.

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